Walter Tróchez Queer Alliance: Demo in Berlin – 26 January 2010 – Rally & Vigil – San Francisco – Washington – Los Angeles

The “Walter Tróchez Queer Alliance” in Berlin is a grass roots group comprising of LGBTI and friends human rights activist. Our goals are: to call world attention to the dreadful situation in Honduras, raise awareness of the human rights violations and support the local LGBTI community, and prevent the establishment of a non-democratic government.

We are angry about the human rights violations in Honduras and we are saddened by the news of Walter’s death. We are concerned about German independent and local press reports that the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, a German foundation for liberal politics, which is related to a major German elected party – the German Liberal Party “FDP”, justified the coup d’état and acknowledges the authority and credibility of the current Honduran administration. The head of the FDP party is also the Minister of Foreign Department, Guido Westerwelle. We call for a thorough investigation regarding the relationship between the German FDP, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation and its support of the coup d’état.

Aufruf zu Kundgebung und Demonstration: Dienstag, 26.01.2010

15:00 Kundgebung der Honduras-Koordination vor dem Auswärtigen Amt, Werderscher Markt 1:

„Keine Anerkennung für den Staatsstreich in Honduras“

16:00 Demonstration des Queeren Bündnisses Walter Tróchez, vom Auswärtigen Amt zur FDP-Zentrale, Reinhardtstr. 14

„Gegen homo- und transphobe Gewalt in Honduras und weltweit!“

Wir, das Queere Bündnis Walter Tróchez, sind entsetzt über den Mord an dem schwulen LGBTI*- und Menschenrechtsaktivisten Walter Tróchez. Seit dem Militärputsch vom 28.6.2009 sind viele weitere Transgender, Schwule und Gegner_innen der Putschregierung ermordet worden. Unsere Solidarität und unser Mitgefühl gelten den Familienangehörigen und Freund_innen der Ermordeten. Auch wenn homo- und transphobe Gewalt in Honduras schon vor dem Putsch nicht unbekannt war, so hat doch erst der Putsch diese aktuelle Welle der Gewalt und Rechtlosigkeit in Gang gesetzt.

Wir sind empört über die Aktivitäten der deutschen FDP und ihrer politischen Stiftung, der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung. Der Leiter des Hondurasbüros der Naumann-Stiftung, Christian Lüth, hat den Putsch von Anfang an gerechtfertigt und verharmlost. Gemeinsam sind sie bereit, die demokratische Fassade zu akzeptieren, die sich die Putschisten mit der Wahlfarce vom 29. November geben wollten, um den Putsch nachträglich zu legitimieren. Dass sich die Menschenrechtssituation in Honduras nicht verbessert, zeigt sich schon darin, dass die Putschisten sich nun selbst mit einem Amnestiegesetz vor strafrechtlicher Verfolgung schützen wollen.

Anders als FDP und Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung werden wir das nicht hinnehmen, denn Menschenrechte sind unteilbar.

Deshalb fordern wir:

1. Unterstützung der honduranischen Menschenrechtsaktivist_innen und LGBTI*! Gegen homo- und transphobe Gewalt in Honduras und weltweit!

2. Keine Anerkennung der unter undemokratischen Verhältnissen zustande gekommenen Wahl von Porfirio Lobo, dessen Amtseinführung für den 27.1. 2010 vorgesehen ist – weder durch die deutsche Bundesregierung noch durch die EU!

3. Sofortige Aufklärung der seit dem 28.6.2009 in Honduras verübten Verbrechen!

4. Beendigung der Zusammenarbeit von FDP und Naumann-Stiftung mit den Putschisten und ihren Verbündeten!

*LGBTI = Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, Trans* and Intersexuals


Yürüyüşe ve Eyleme Davet: 26 Ocak, Salı günü

15:00 Honduras Koordinasyon’unun Eylemi (Dışişleri Bakanlığı, Werderscher Markt 1):

«Honduras’taki Darbenin Kabul Edilecek Yanı Yok!»

16:00 Walter Tróchez Eşcinseller İttifakının Yürüyüşü (Dışişleri Bakanlığı’ndan FDP parti merkezine, Reinhardtstr. 14):

«Honduras’ta ve Bütün Dünyada Eşcinsel Düşmanı Saldırılara Son!»

İnsanhakları ve LGBTI* aktivisti eşcinsel Walter Tróchez’in öldürülmesi, bizi Walter Tróchez Eşcinseller İttifakı olarak dehşete düşürmüştür. Cuntaya karşı çıkan birçok kişi gibi, 28 Haziran 2009 darbesinden sonra birçok eşcinsel ve trans kimlikli insan öldürüldü. Honduras’ta homofobik ve transfobik saldırılar darbeden önce de bilinirken, darbeyle başlayan süreç şiddeti ve haksızlıkları artırdı. Öldürülen bireylerin yakınlarına ve arkadaşlarına başsağlığı diler, dayanışmamızın onlarla olduğunu bildiririz.

Bu bağlamda, Almanya Hür Demokrat Partisi FDP’nin ve parti vakfı Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung’un etkinlikleri bizi rahatsız etmektedir. Nauman-Stiftung’un Honduras büro başkanı Christian Lüth, darbeyi başından itibaren meşrulaştırıp darbecileri masumlaştırmaktadır. Darbeyi sonradan meşrulaştırmak için düzenlenen 29 Kasım seçimleri ilkel bir oyunken, vakfın sonuçları kabul etmesi, demokrat bir görünüş sergilemek isteyen darbecilerin ekmeğine yağ sürmek olmuştur. İnsan hakları ihlallerinin devam ettiği, darbecilerin ceza kanunundan kaçabilmek için kendilerine çıkardığı af yasasından dahi görülebilmektedir.

Biz, bu olayları FDP ve Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung gibi kabul etmeyeceğiz, insan hakları evrenseldir!


1. Honduras insan hakları ve LGBTI* aktivistlerine acil destek olunmalı, Honduras’ta ve bütün dünyada eşcinsel düşmanı saldırılara son verilmelidir!

2. Demokratik olmayan yollarla Porfirio Lobo’yu iktidara getirecek seçim sonuçları kabul edilemez! Yemin töreni 27 Ocak 2010’da gerçekleşecek olan Lobo, ne Almanya hükümeti ne de Avrupa Birliği tarafından desteklenmelidir!

3. 28 Haziran 2009’dan sonra işlenen cinayetlerin failleri derhal bulunmalıdır!

4. FDP ve Naumann-Stiftung’un darbecilerle ve işbirlikçileriyle ortak çalışmaları derhal son bulmalıdır!

Queer demonstration for human rights and LGBTI *- in Honduras

4 pm In front of the Foreign Office, Werderscher 1 then to FDP party headquarters (following the rally of the Honduras Cordination at 3pm)

Kidnapping, arrest and the murder of human rights activists increased since the military coup in Honduras. Among them was Walter Tróchez, who was shot from a vehicle and later died in the hospital on December 13 2009. Tróchez was a victim of harassment and death threats prior to his murder. One such case occurred on July 20th 2009, which he was beaten up by police while in custody, and insulted about his sexual orientation after he attended a human rights rally against the military coup. Tróchez lead the fight for legal protection for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, trans and intersex as well dedicated himself for education about HIV and AIDS.

He took a stand against the killing of many transgender people and gay men since the military coup. Although the situation for LGBTI in Honduras was dire, it became life-threatening after the coup. Everyday life became brutal through increased military presence and increased power for right-wing political groups and religious fundamentalist. The crimes committed since the military coup, some sanctioned by national institutions through the police and military will go unpenalized and receive amnesty. The perpetrator will go free.

The de facto government will go into office on January 27th with their “President” Porfirio Lobo. We fear the recognition of Lobos by the German federal government. We carry the torch of Walter Tróchez and hope that our actions will help our LGBTI friends in Honduras.

For more information, see the attached detailed press release.
For questions please contact: Chicago Rose +49 (0)30 57 70 84 86

See also:

SGN: US Meets Gay Hondurans Over Walter Trochez Murder by Michael Petrelis

Spread the word: D.C. rally & vigil Wednesday

Mon, 01/25/2010 – 11:34 — AP

Walter Trochez Queer Alliance Rally & Vigil
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
In front of the U.S. State Department, 23rd St. between C & D Streets NW
Facebook event here.

TWO rallies at the State Department on the occasion of the inauguration of Pepe Lobo, the new face of the Honduran dictatorship:
8-9am (for those of you who work 9-5)
1-2pm (to catch press at daily briefing)
…and if you have any time between 9 and 1, join us in a small quiet vigil demanding respect for the human rights of members of the LGBTI communities and for all in Honduras.

Berlin, DC, SF: Protests This Week Over Gay Honduran Assassinations

On January 27, Honduras will inaugurate Porfirio Lobo as the new President of the country, and gays in three cities will mark the occasion demonstrating on behalf of human rights protections for LGBT people and pro-democracy forces in Honduras. Since the military coup of June 29, 2009, many other transgender and gay people as well as opponents of the coup government have been murdered. Our solidarity and compassion go to the family members and friends of those murdered.

Gay activists are particularly concerned that no has been arrested and charged with the assassination of Walter Trochez, a 26-year-old gay man and HIV/AIDS advocate, killed on December 13, who worked with human rights organizations against the coup leaders.

Here is the information for the actions this week. Activists will share images of the protests shortly after they occur:

Berlin, Germany
Date: Tuesday, January 26
Time: 3 pm
Action: Rally in front of the Foreign Office
Location: Werderscher Markt 1

San Francisco, California
Date: Wednesday, January 27
Action: Meeting at Honduran consulate
Location: 870 Market Street

Washington, DC
Date: Wednesday, January 27
Action: Picket and speak out at U.S. State Department
Location: 2201 C Street NW

Gay and human rights activists in other cities are encourage to stage similar public actions this week in solidarity with LGBT and pro-democracy citizens in Honduras. A list of Honduran embassies around the world can be found here:

And the locations of Honduran consulates in the United States are posted here:

The organizers of the actions in Berlin, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, are making the following demands:

  1. An independent investigation into the murder of gay and HIV/AIDS activist Walter Trochez, and full prosecution of those responsible for his death.
  2. The support of Honduran human rights activists and the LGBTI* community against homophobic and transphobic violence in Honduras and throughout the world.
  3. The non-recognition of President-elect Porfirio Lobo, elected under undemocratic circumstances, whose inauguration is scheduled to take place on January 27, 2010 – by the U.S. government!
  4. The termination of the cooperation of the U.S. Government with the plebiscite government and coup d’état allies.

Please support and participate in the upcoming demonstrations, or plan your own!

Call to rally in Los Angeles (see below)

> When: 1/27/10
> Where: Honduran Consulate/Consulado General de Honduras en Los Ángeles
> 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Los Ángeles, CA 90010
> Time: 5:00pm to 7:00pm

  1. 1 Walter Tróchez: San Francisco Vigil for Honduran Gays and Democracy by Michael Petrelis « Gays Without Borders

    […] Walter Tróchez Queer Alliance: Demo in Berlin – 26 January 2010 – Rally & Vigil – San Fra… […]

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